
How To Delete Your Facebook [Fb] Id Permanently

 Hi...Welcome Guys, In Today's Post, I'm going to share with you 'How to delete your facebook account for permanent.' Some times we need to permanently remove our account from facebook server but 90% users dont know how to delete facebook account... So simply they deactive their account...But account deactivation and account deletation is not same case... If you deactivate your account, your... [Read More]

How To Active Your Dead Facebook [Fb] Page Again

 Hi..Welcome to "" Are you not satisfied with your lovable facebook fan page as your page got inactive/dead, reach running too slow and you are not getting likes on your lovelable post ? Dont Worry !!! Here is solution to active your dead page again and get much more likes on your lovely post.... Its simple and easy... Lets try.... Step 1 :- Go to Page Setting... [Read More]

How To Change Your Facebook [Fb] Name In Stylish Fonts

 Hi Guys...HERE IS THE TRICK BUT THERE IS SOME #LIMITATION... OTHERWISE IT WILL SAYS INVALID CHARACTERS Read it carefully 1) ONLY ONE UPPERCASE LETTER. 2) USE ONLY ONE TYPE ON LANGUAGE. #Ukrainian, Russian, Cyrillic letters Next is Ukrainian alphabet and some other symbols from Russian and ancient languages. А Б В Г Ґ Д Е Є Ж З И І Ї Й К Л М Н О П Р С... [Read More]

Make Your Facebook [Fb] Profile Picture Unclickable

 Hi Guys, Welcome Just Check Out These Steps !! Not everyone really wants to have their header image clickable but yet that’s the way Facebook header images work, or do they ? Well, if you’re curious, you should give this one a try.. How to Do it: 1) Go to your Albums –> Profile Pictures 2) Select your current profile picture... 3) Adjust privacy setting... [Read More]

How To Create Single Name Account On Fb

 Steps To Make Single Name Account... Note > Do It On UC Browser Or Mozilla Firstly Change your Browser Proxy Manually use one of the proxy from below given... HTTP Proxy :- OR Search any Indonesian proxies from or any other site.. PORT :- 8080 Then Save Your Settings... Now Open your Facebook Account Name Settings. Change your language from English (us) to Bahasa Indonesia Then Simply remove Your Last Name And Save it...... [Read More]